Tuesday, May 29, 2007

week 3 weigh in

Weigh In - Tuesday 5/29/07


-1 lb!

I'm pleasantly surprised about the number on my scale this morning. I've been reading through a lot of other challenge member blogs and it seems like many of us had a hard time with Memorial Day cookouts :) It's nice to know I'm not the only one who can't say no to cole slaw. The thing I must work on over the rest of the summer is saying no the the second scoop of cole slaw.

I work at a college and our summer session starts today. I've had the last 2 weeks off and I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. I find it easier to diet when I'm working and planning out lunches, snacks and dinners.

My kick boxing class starts today too! I'm nervous about how out of shape I am...hopefully there will be others like me.

Keep up all your hard work for week 4!


Denise said...

Congrats on kissing one pound bye bye!!

Mich said...

Goodbye one more pound! Way to go! Can't wait to hear about kickboxing!!!

Sandra Garcia said...

Hi Holly,

Thanks for stopping by :-). I know how you feel about starting the kickboxing class. I joined a class a few years ago and was nervous about being out of shape but I still enjoyed it. I over-exerted myself the first session and couldn't move the next day so just ease into it and keep the motrin handy just in case you really get into it like I did and over-exert yourself. Let us know how it goes!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Great job on losing! What? You mean cole slaw isn't a healthy vegetable???? ;-)